Amherst, Massachusetts Weather by Month

Amherst is a vibrant town located in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts, United States. Situated in Hampshire County, Amherst is renowned for its scenic beauty, rich cultural heritage, and prestigious educational institutions. Home to the renowned University of Massachusetts Amherst and Amherst College, the town boasts a diverse and dynamic population of students, faculty, and residents. Major landmarks in Amherst include the Emily Dickinson Museum, Amherst Town Common, and the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art.

Climate and Weather Overview

To provide a comprehensive overview of the climate in Amherst, let’s examine the average temperature, precipitation, and number of sunny days for each month of the year.

Month Average Temperature (Fahrenheit) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 29°F 3.35 inches 6 days
February 32°F 2.83 inches 7 days
March 40°F 3.76 inches 8 days
April 52°F 3.83 inches 8 days
May 64°F 3.94 inches 9 days
June 73°F 4.06 inches 9 days
July 78°F 3.85 inches 9 days
August 76°F 3.60 inches 9 days
September 68°F 3.49 inches 8 days
October 57°F 3.99 inches 7 days
November 46°F 3.67 inches 5 days
December 34°F 3.43 inches 6 days

Weather by Month


January in Amherst is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. Average temperatures hover around 29°F, with moderate precipitation averaging 3.35 inches. With 6 sunny days, outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating are popular among residents and visitors alike.


February brings similar weather conditions to January, with cold temperatures averaging around 32°F. Snowfall continues, although precipitation levels decrease slightly compared to January, with an average of 2.83 inches. With 7 sunny days, outdoor enthusiasts can continue to enjoy winter activities such as snowshoeing, sledding, and winter hikes.


As spring approaches, March sees a gradual increase in temperatures in Amherst, with average highs reaching 40°F. While temperatures rise, snow showers are still possible, contributing to an average precipitation of 3.76 inches. With 8 sunny days, residents and visitors can begin to embrace the changing seasons by participating in activities such as hiking, biking, and exploring local parks and nature reserves.


April marks the onset of warmer weather in Amherst, with average highs climbing to 52°F. While temperatures become milder, rain showers become more frequent, with an average precipitation of 3.83 inches. With 8 sunny days, outdoor activities such as birdwatching, gardening, and visiting botanical gardens become popular as residents welcome the arrival of spring.


May brings even warmer temperatures to Amherst, with average highs reaching 64°F. While temperatures rise, rainfall becomes more prevalent, with an average precipitation of 3.94 inches. With 9 sunny days, there are ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, picnicking, and exploring the town’s scenic trails and nature preserves.


June heralds the arrival of summer in Amherst, with average highs soaring to 73°F. The weather becomes significantly warmer, with occasional rain showers contributing to an average precipitation of 4.06 inches. With 9 sunny days, residents and visitors can fully embrace the summer season by participating in activities such as swimming, kayaking, and attending outdoor concerts and festivals.


July is typically the warmest month in Amherst, with scorching average highs of 78°F and occasional thunderstorms. Despite the heat, there are still 9 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as boating, fishing, and visiting local farms and farmers’ markets.


Similar to July, August maintains warm temperatures in Amherst, with average highs around 76°F. While temperatures remain warm, occasional rain showers are still possible, with an average precipitation of 3.60 inches. With 9 sunny days, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and exploring the town’s scenic parks and gardens.


As summer transitions to fall, September brings slightly cooler temperatures to Amherst, with average highs of 68°F. While temperatures moderate, occasional rain showers are still common, contributing to an average precipitation of 3.49 inches. With 8 sunny days, outdoor activities such as apple picking, hiking, and attending fall festivals become popular as residents embrace the changing colors of autumn.


October sees a further decrease in temperatures in Amherst, with average highs dropping to 57°F. While the weather remains mild, rainfall levels increase slightly compared to September, with an average precipitation of 3.99 inches. With 7 sunny days, residents and visitors can still enjoy outdoor activities such as leaf-peeping, pumpkin picking, and exploring the town’s historic sites and scenic vistas.


November brings cooler temperatures and shorter days to Amherst, with average highs of 46°F. While temperatures cool, precipitation levels increase, averaging 3.67 inches. With 5 sunny days, outdoor activities such as hiking, birdwatching, and attending local craft fairs and markets are popular as residents embrace the crisp autumn air and prepare for the upcoming holiday season.


December in Amherst is characterized by cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. The average high temperature is around 34°F, with cool evenings and occasional snow showers. Precipitation levels remain consistent with other winter months, with an average of 3.43 inches. Despite the snow, there are still 6 sunny days, providing opportunities for outdoor activities such as skiing, snowshoeing, and holiday shopping.

Natural Disasters

While Amherst is relatively sheltered from major natural disasters, it is still susceptible to occasional hazards common to the region, including severe winter storms, flooding, and thunderstorms. Severe winter storms can produce heavy snowfall, strong winds, and dangerously low temperatures, leading to hazardous travel conditions and power outages. Flooding can occur during periods of intense rainfall or snowmelt, particularly in low-lying areas and along rivers and streams. Additionally, thunderstorms can bring lightning, strong winds, and heavy rainfall, leading to localized flooding and property damage. Residents are advised to stay informed about weather forecasts and to follow evacuation orders and safety guidelines issued by local authorities.

Recommended Activities

Throughout the year, Amherst offers a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. Some recommended activities by month include:

  • January: Skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating.
  • February: Snow tubing, winter hikes, visiting local museums and galleries.
  • March: Maple sugaring tours, visiting botanical gardens, attending indoor concerts and performances.
  • April: Birdwatching, visiting historical sites and museums, exploring local art galleries.
  • May: Hiking, picnicking, attending outdoor festivals and events.
  • June: Kayaking, fishing, attending outdoor concerts and farmers’ markets.
  • July: Swimming, boating, attending Fourth of July celebrations and fireworks displays.
  • August: Camping, stargazing, attending outdoor film screenings and theater performances.
  • September: Apple picking, hiking, attending fall harvest festivals.
  • October: Leaf-peeping drives, pumpkin picking, visiting haunted attractions and corn mazes.
  • November: Thanksgiving dinners, visiting local wineries and breweries, attending holiday craft fairs.
  • December: Holiday shopping, attending tree lighting ceremonies, visiting local holiday markets.

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